GMAT Total

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Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) 2022
GMAT Benchmarking Tool

Identify and recruit the best talent for your program.

Assess the skills candidates need to succeed in your program.

Select the tabs below to review detailed GMAT score information including format, what each section measures, score ranges, and percentile rankings for each type of GMAT score. Our benchmarking tool allows you to:

  • Use the Summary | Detailed button located at the top of the percentile table to view the percentile rankings in either of these formats.
  • Use the Apply Filters button below (available for GMAT Accepting schools, login required) to further benchmark scores by country of citizenship, gender and GPA.
Score Mean
750 98%
700 87%
650 70%
600 50%
550 34%
500 22%
450 13%
400 8%
350 4%
300 2%
250 1%
200 0%
2019 – 2021
Score Mean
790 99%
780 99%
770 99%
760 99%
750 98%
740 97%
730 96%
720 94%
710 90%
700 87%
690 84%
680 80%
670 78%
660 74%
650 70%
640 64%
630 62%
620 58%
610 54%
600 50%
590 47%
580 43%
570 40%
560 37%
550 34%
540 31%
530 27%
520 26%
510 24%
500 22%
490 20%
480 18%
470 17%
460 14%
450 13%
440 12%
430 11%
420 10%
410 9%
400 8%
390 7%
380 6%
370 6%
360 5%
350 4%
340 4%
330 3%
320 3%
310 3%
300 2%
290 2%
280 2%
270 2%
260 2%
250 1%
240 1%
230 1%
220 1%
210 0%
200 0%
2019 – 2021

Rely on GMAT scores to help you select the best applicants for your program.


The GMAT total score is composed of the Verbal and Quantitative sections of the exam.

What it Measures:

The GMAT exam measures the test taker’s ability to assess higher-order reasoning skills: verbal, quantitative, analytical writing and integrated reasoning and has proven validity in predicting success in the first year of graduate management education.

Score Range:

Total GMAT Scores range from 200 to 800. Two-thirds of test takers score between 400 and 600.

How it is Scored:

The Official GMAT Score Report show five scores: Total, Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning, Verbal and Quantitative within the last five years, the most recent AWA essay responses, and the following background information: country of citizenship, gender, date of birth, telephone number, undergraduate institution, grade point average, major, date of graduation, intended graduate study, and highest level of education attained.

GMAT Test takers are provided with the ability to see their unofficial scores prior to making a decision to accept or cancel those scores. A self-canceled score will appear as a “C” on the official score report, along with all GMAT attempts for the previous five years. Test takers that self-cancel on test day have the opportunity to reinstate those scores within 60 days of the test date.

In cases of repeat testing, the score report will show all of the test taker’s GMAT scores for the past five years. Test takers make print an unofficial score report after they finish the exam, but this does not include the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) score and should not be accepted in lieu of an Official Score Report.

Percentile Ranking:

GMAT Total Score percentile rankings are based on the previous three years of GMAT exams taken.