GMAT Integrated Reasoning

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Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) 2022
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Select the tabs below to review detailed GMAT score information including format, what each section measures, score ranges, and percentile rankings for each type of GMAT score. Our benchmarking tool allows you to:

  • Use the Summary | Detailed button located at the top of the percentile table to view the percentile rankings in either of these formats.
  • Use the Apply Filters button below (available for GMAT Accepting schools, login required) to further benchmark scores by country of citizenship, gender and GPA.
Score Mean
7 79%
6 64%
5 47%
4 31%
3 17%
2 8%
1 0%
2019 – 2021

No data found

2019 – 2021

The Integrated Reasoning section gives you another data point to differentiate candidates.


Consists of 12 questions covering four question types: Multi-Source Reasoning, Graphics Interpretation, Two-Part Analysis, and Table Analysis, to be completed in 30 minutes.

What it Measures:

Test takers ability to analyze and synthesize data in different formats from multiple sources.

Score Range:

Scores range from 1-8 in single-digit intervals.

How it is Scored:

The Integrated Reasoning score is provided as a separate score and is not included in the Total GMAT Score.

Percentile Ranking:

Integrated Reasoning percentile rankings are based on the previous three years of GMAT exams taken.