GMAT Benchmarking Tool

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Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
GMAT Benchmarking Tool

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Assess the skills candidates need to succeed in your program.

Select the tabs below to review detailed GMAT score information including format, what each section measures, score ranges, and percentile rankings for each type of GMAT score. Our benchmarking tool allows you to:

  • Use the Summary | Detailed button located at the top of the percentile table to view the percentile rankings in either of these formats.
  • Use the Apply Filters button below (available for GMAT Accepting schools, login required) to further benchmark scores by country of citizenship, gender and GPA.
Score Mean
5 56%
4 18%
3 4%
2 1%
1 1%
0 0%
2019 – 2021
Score Mean
5.5 82%
5 56%
4.5 49%
4 18%
3.5 13%
3 4%
2.5 3%
2 1%
1.5 1%
1 1%
0.5 1%
0 0%
2019 – 2021

The Analytical Writing section consists of one writing task—Analysis of an Argument.


One 30-minute written essay on the analysis of an argument.

What it Measures:

The test-taker’s ability to formulate an appropriate and constructive critique of a specific conclusion based on a specific line of thinking. A specific knowledge of the essay topic is not necessary; only the capacity to write analytically is assessed.

Score Range:

Average scores range from 0 to 6 in half point intervals. AWA scores are computed separately from the scores for the multiple-choice sections of the exam and have no effect on the Integrated Reasoning, Verbal, Quantitative, or Total GMAT scores.

How it is Scored:

AWA essays are scored by a combination of a machine algorithm and professional human essay raters. All essays will be scored using an electronic system, which will evaluate the structural and linguistic features of the essay, including organization of ideas, syntactic variety and topical analysis. Some essays are then randomly selected for auditing to ensure the quality, consistency, and performance of the algorithm. The audit is conducted by trained and approved human raters to ensure the algorithm is constantly evaluating AWA essays in a manner that meets both GMAC and ACT standards and upholds the integrity of the AWA section score. If there is a disparity between the algorithm score and the human score for an audited essay, the score will be reviewed, and may be adjusted.

Percentile Ranking:

Analytical Writing Assessment percentile rankings are based on the previous three years of GMAT exams taken.