Free GD, PI and WAT Preparation

PDP Programme

As CAT results have been announced, it is important that the students start preparing for GD/PI/WAT now. Getting a good CAT result will just win half a battle for you, another half is remaining. So it is important that you choose the right mentors to help you with this.

What is PDP?

PDP is essentially a mirror, which helps one to know “who you are” and “How you present yourself”. PDP also helps the student to understand both these aspects of his/her personality. It not only helps one to understand one’s strengths but also gives an insight into one’s weakness along with the guidance to overcome the weaknesses.

PDP is a very powerful programme utilizing Psychometric tools & state-of art technology for personality development. It makes an extensive use of the audiovisual media. The programme consists of various sessions. A brief summary of the major characteristics and processes involved in the program is discussed below:

PDP is designed to equip you with the skill sets one need to clear the second stage for admission to B – schools.

PDP is built on three key philosophies:

  1. Self-Awareness – You have got to know your strengths and weaknesses before you embark on this journey. There are tools that have been designed to take care of this.
  2. Feedback & Mentoring – You need a mirror to look inwards into your personality in order to avail the feedback to improve it. The sessions have been designed in a manner that one gets an elaborate feedback from the mentors who would help you to bring out the finer shades of your personality.
  3. Practice – It takes effort and discipline to work on one’s weaknesses. The PDP sessions would provide you sufficient opportunities to work on the areas that are critical to ace this stage of the selection process.

Why Edushastra for GD/PI Preparation?

  1. Comprehensive Material
  2. Mock interviews, mock GDs and so much more
  3. Personalized attention to every student
  4. Institute specific Practice sessions for GDs, GEs, Case Studies, & WAT
  5. Experienced team who have guided hundreds of students
  6. 10+ Live sessions to enhance knowledge in every field
  7. PDP sessions for those scoring above 91% at just Rs.1

PDP Sessions – Live Online Batch Details:

Weekend & Weekday Batches Registration Deadline Mapping Start Batch Start Seats Status
PDP (PI-GD-WAT) Sessions 11th March 11th March 11th March Open

Regular Programs’ Fees:

PDP Live Online Sessions
Limited Seats Available – Enroll Now!

PDP Live Online Sessions

10+ Live sessions, Personalized attention
Mock Interviews, Mock GDs, WAT Preparation For 90+ %ile CAT 2024 Scorers
Discount of 50% applied
Limited Seats Available – Enroll Now!


10+ Live sessions, Personalized attention
Mock Interviews, Mock GDs, WAT Preparation For All Other CAT 2024 Scorers
Discount of 50% applied

List of Topics to be covered:-

Session Topic Description
1 An Introduction to PDP CAT 2024 Brief Introduction about different admission procedures and requirements of different B- Schools
2 Personality Assessment session Personal Assessment and SWOT analysis individually of all students
3 Profile Building How to present your profile according to the Analysis done
4 The Interview Concepts Session Session by experts on things to keep in mind in an Interview
5 An Interview viewing session Discussion of different Interview samples
6 A session on GD concepts Concepts on how to ace in a GD
7 A session on business and economics Brief about business and economics
8 A session on important national and international events Brief about current national and international events
9 Group Task Mock GE’s
10 Mock GDs Mock GD
11 Mock Interviews Mock interview by a panel of experts


  • Access to 10+ live webinars to help you prepare for current affairs & institute form filing.
  • Institute specific Practice sessions for GDs, GEs, Case Studies, & WAT*. Mock interviews, Mock GDs, Case studies, GE etc.
  • Profile building, Profile mapping, Application assistance.
  • Rigorous Interview preparation by experts.

Our Faculty

Mr. M L Parashar

The Maverick Mindset, Our Guiding light

Believer in “Everyone is a Genius”
Rtd. Director, Dept. of Science & Tech., Govt. of India
Rtd. Deputy Secretary, Govt. of India, IIM-A, IIT-K

Mr. Deepak Jain

The True Strategic Genius, A Philanthropist

Believer in “Affordable Quality Education”
Rtd. Indian Administrative Service Officer - UT
IIT/IIM Alumnus, CAT 100 %iler & GMAT 790 Scorer

Dr. Kushal Bhardwaj

The Operation Wizard, A Practical Mindset

Believer in “Education for All”
16+ yrs Exp at Leadership Level in IT & Retail
Ph.D. (DU), CAT 99.99 %iler & GMAT 780 Scorer

Mr. Hasan Raja

The True Guide, A Beautiful Mind

Believer in 'Teaching is love in its purest form'
15+ yrs Teaching Exp in Education Industry
IIM Alumnus, CAT 100 %iler & GMAT V51 Scorer

Mr. Ankur Agarwal

The Seasoned Professional, A Real Guru

Believer in “Dream it. Wish it. Do it.”
16+ yrs Teaching Exp in Education Industry
Former Deputy Director-LPU, Multiple Top Scores

Mr. Parmod Jha

The Maths Wizard, knows more than infinity

Believer in “Do or do not. There is no try”
18+ yrs Teaching Exp in Education Industry
IIT Alumnus, CAT-100 %iler & GMAT Q51 Scorer

Mr. Vipul Parashar

The Epitome of Optimism & Positivity

Believer in "Everything is Possible"
12+ yrs Teaching Exp in Education Industry
DU, NIFT, INSEAD, Harvard Business School

Dr. Sona Ahuja

The People Leader, Our Customer Connect

Believer in "The customer is always Right”
10+ yrs Teaching Exp Education Industry
Ph.D. (DU), CAT 99.82 %iler & GMAT 770 Scorer

Mr. Ayush Matcha

The Dispeller of Darkness of Ignorance

Believer in "Perseverance is the key to Success"
4+ yrs Teaching Exp in Education Industry
CAT'22 99.78%, CAT Topper, IIM 2023-25

Dr. Poonam Arora

The word Smith, Our Perfectionist

Believer in "Nothing Having Worth Comes Easy"
15+ yrs Teaching Exp in Education Industry
CAT Verbal 100 %iler, GMAT 51 Verbal

Mr. Aman Jaiswal

The Verbal Magician, Our Magical Mind

Believer in "Dream it, Work for it, Achieve it"
10+ yrs Teaching Exp in Education Industry
Former Senior Manager - ASM, Multiple Top Scores

Mr. Pawan Shahi

The Mathematical Genius, Quantitative Thinker

Believer in "Mathematics: Mother of all Sciences"
CAT 2022 99.98%iler, CAT 2023 99.98%iler, GMAT 750 Scorer
NIT Alumnus. CAT Topper.


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CAT 2023 Toppers & Preparation Strategy

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