Every thing you need to know about XAT

This is to inform all the aspirants of XAT 2024 that XLRI has released XAT 2024 admit card on December 27, 2023 instead of earlier Dec 20. The XAT 2024 exams are going to be held on January 7, 2024. XAT 2024 registrations have gone up by 40% at 135000 applicants this year as compared to 98242 applicants last year. XAT registration last date has closed on December 10, 2023 at midnight.

XLRI XAT 2024: Important Updates

  • XAT 2024 Admit Card Release Date: December 27, 2023
  • XAT 2024 Exam Date: Sunday January 7, 2024
  • XAT 2024 Exam Timing: 2 PM to 5.30 PM
  • XLRI Jamshedpur PGDM BM Seats: Increased to 240 from earlier 180
  • XLRI Delhi NCR campus Seats: Increased to 180 from earlier 120

XAT conducted by XLRI for the past 72 years, Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is one of the largest and mandatory entrance exams for admission to XLRI Jamshedpur and XLRI Delhi NCR. Apart from XLRI, 160 MBA colleges including XIMB, IMT, IMI, MICA, TAPMI, Great Lakes, GIM Goa among others will accept XAT exam score for admission 2024. 

Most Important Sections in XAT Syllabus 2024

  • The Xavier Aptitude Syllabus 2024 will overall test the candidate on Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning; Decision Making; Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation as the key sections to determine your percentile and merit position.
  • The other section on General Awareness (GK) does not have any pre defined syllabus nor it is counted for percentile calculation. 
  • The Decision Making section in XAT Syllabus is unique as other MBA entrance exams like CAT/NMAT/SNAP do not consist of such section. XAT toppers are of the view that those who score well in
  • Decision Making section of XAT, have more chances to score high overall and get shortlisted by XLRI
  • Please also note that each question carries equal marks, so except GK section the other three sections are equally important parts in XAT syllabus. 

XAT 2024 Preparation Strategy: How to Prepare for XAT 2024?

Xavier Aptitude Test comprises 3 major sections which are very important for shortlisting and determining your merit position. The 4th & 5th sections on GK and Essay Writing are not taken into account to determine the merit. The XAT 2024 preparation strategy and books for XAT exam preparation should be in accordance with revised pattern of the entrance exam and as per XAT entrance exam syllabus. XAT exam preparation calls for special preparation for Decision Making section apart from other topics. You need to focus on following while preparing for the XAT exam:

  • Follow the Exam Pattern: Thoroughly understand the structure, number and type of questions
  • Scan thoroughly the XAT exam Syllabus
  • Decide, if you need Online preparation with coaching or wish to self-prepare for the exam
  • Get best XAT preparation Books for exam preparation
  • Attempt XAT Mock Tests in good number and analyse each
  • Attempt as many as Previous XAT question papers
  • Devise XAT preparation strategy to crack the exam with 95+ percentile

Key Points about the Exam

  • Exam is now a Single slot, single day test
  • Test duration increased from 3 hours to 3 hours 10 minute.
  • Total questions increased to 101+1 Analytical Essay Writing Test
  • Essay Writing Test Restored: The descriptive essay writing test was scrapped in 2019
  • Now the exam has 100 to 101 MCQ type questions and 1 Descriptive Question
  • Question paper with 4 sections with MCQs and 1 section with Essay Writing Test
  • The GK Section with 25 questions is not counted for percentile calculation
  • Visually impaired candidates with scribe are given additional 25 minutes to solve Part 1 of  the exam
  • PwD candidates will be granted an additional 20 minutes for every hour
  • Marks for every correct answer: +1
  • – 0.25 Negative Marking for wrong answer
  • No Negative marking for General Knowledge and Essay writing section in part-2 of question paper.
  • Essay shall be evaluated after the candidate is shortlisted for the interview.

Cat 2021 Analysis

CAT 2021 Analysis

This post covers the following topics: CAT 2021 Analysis, CAT 2021 Sectional Review, CAT 2021 Slot Analysis, and CAT 2021 Expected Score/Percentile.

CAT 2021 has been conducted smoothly on 28th November 2021.  IIM Ahmedabad has successfully concluded the CAT 2021 Slot-1, Slot-2, and Slot-3 on November 28, 2021.

As predicted, CAT 2021 followed the CAT 2020 exam pattern of reduced time (2 hours) with 40 minutes allotted to each section. However, what remained under speculation was the number of questions in each of the sections.

Based on the expectation and predictions, CAT aspirants had to face 66 questions in 2 hours with the section-wise distribution of questions as follows:

  • VARC: 24 questions in 40 minutes
  • DILR: 20 questions in 40 minutes
  • QA: 22 questions in 40 minutes

The overall difficulty level for CAT 2024 was moderate to high. An overall raw score of around 97-99 should fetch a 99%ile in CAT 2021.

Check the Video Analysis below for a detailed understanding of CAT 2021 expected scores vs percentile analysis.

CAT Slot – 1, 2 & 3 Overall Analysis 2021

CAT Slot – 1 Overall Analysis 2021

Section-wise Review

Verbal Ability Review: In terms of the level of difficulty, the verbal section can be labeled as moderate to difficult. Accuracy will be the key to a good score. There were Four RC passages of a medium length of 4 questions each. The break-up of other questions was Parajumbles – 3, Para Summary – 3, and odd one out 2. There was a total of 5 TITA questions from odd one and parajumbles. There were no TITA questions in RC. The topics of passages were – 1) Cuttlefish show impressive personality, 2) Book review moral marketing-Utopian and Dystopian, 3) The classic period of Maya and 4) Competing virtue with consumption-Marshmallows. Overall an attempt of 15-20 with high accuracy will fetch 99%ile.

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: As with this section last year, the section was most difficult. There was a total of 4 sets – 2 of 6 questions each and 2 of 4 questions each. One was a Bar Graph set of 4 questions which were calculation intensive but attempted mostly by all students. Another one was missing values from the table i.e. AR set of 6 questions. 2 sets were data reasoning – one of 4 and another of 6 questions. There were a total of 5 TITA questions. A typical AR set was related to persons and journals of different categories with a good number of variables and their logical connections. Very few students could attempt more than 2 sets. An attempt of 8-12 questions with good accuracy will fetch 99%ile.

Quantitative Aptitude Review: The Quant section was moderately easier. The majority of the typical topics like Profit & Loss, TSD, Time & Work, Alligation were fairly represented. Geometry questions were 3 in number with a moderate level of difficulty. Algebra had 5 questions (2 Linear, 2 APGP, and 1 on inequalities. Overall the quant section was doable. However, like last year the questions were time-consuming even though the level of difficulty was not high. The ideal strategy was to skip the questions which seemed difficult at first go. An attempt of 15-19 questions with a good accuracy level, will fetch 99%ile.

CAT Slot – 2 Overall Analysis 2021

The difficulty level of slot 2 was a little higher in comparison to slot – 1. The DILR section was moderately tough, same as slot – 1. The English seems to be a little tricky section than the rest of the two sections.

Following Slot 1 which proved to be a moderate difficulty level, a majority of aspirants for Slot 2 were quite worried about the VARC section, which provided to be an Achilles heel in the first slot.  Initial reactions from the test-takers have hinted that Quant was relatively tougher in Slot 2 as compared to the Slot 1 Examination. On the other hand, VARC and DILR were of the same or similar difficulty level in the Afternoon slot. Many candidates noted that 2 sets were doable in DILR while VARC was of the same difficulty level but was slightly lengthy in nature.

Section Difficulty Level
Reading ComprehensionModerate

CAT Slot – 3 Overall Analysis 2021

The final slot of the CAT 2021 Exam was quite easily manageable for those candidates who were well prepared for the exam and had taken some mocks before the exam. In terms of slot-wise analysis, the VARC and DILR were pretty doable, if one were able to select the right RCs and the DILR sets. Quant was Tougher than Slot 1 and 2 but still quite manageable.

VARC Slot 3 – Section Analysis

The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension of CAT 2021 Slot 3 Exam was of moderate difficulty level. However, unlike the previous two slots, it was a slightly lengthy section, which was contrary to expectations. There were a total of 24 questions to be attempted in 40 minutes of which 5 questions were Non-MCQs (all in Verbal). Ideal attempts in VARC Section: 18 Questions

DILR Slot 3 – Section Analysis

The Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section consisted of total 20 questions. The section consisted of two LR Sets of 6 Questions each i.e. 12 LR Questions. On the other hand, the DI component was addressed in two sets of 4 Questions each. An attempt of 13-14 questions targeting 27-30 marks can be considered ideal for a 99+ percentile in DILR.

Quant Slot 3 – Section Analysis

The quantitative aptitude section of CAT 2021 Exam focused on testing the conceptual clarity of the candidates. The section was dominated by questions from arithmetic with total 12 questions based on concepts such as Simple Compound Interest, Time and Work, Profit & Loss, Time Speed Distance, Averages, Percentages. For the rest, 2-3 questions were from Geometry, 2 were log based, 2 were function based and number series based while 1 was series based.

GMAT Online Exam Date Extended

GMAT online exam date extended. What are the benefits of giving GMAT online?

For all the students applying to B-schools and stuck at home due to Covid-19 pandemic( which most of the students are) , there’s a great move by the GMAC, which conducts GMAT exam that students can now book GMAT online exam till February 2021.

This will come as a relief for many as GMAT online exam was proving to be a big advantage for the students as without going anywhere in this pandemic and without exposing themselves to this deadly virus, they have an option to take the exam sitting at home. To promote these criteria, GMAC has also added some benefits with the GMAT online exam like Unlimited score report sending, use of physical as well as an online whiteboard, etc. We will be discussing all the benefits and differences between the online exam and the center exam also.

Brief About GMAT Online exam:-

After the covid pandemic, GMAC basically announced that the students can take the exam sitting at home by enrolling for GMAT Online exam. In GMAT online exam, the timing of the exam is the same i.e. 3 hours. It does not include AWA section as well which could be a relief for some students.

These 3 hours are divided as:-

  • 2 hours 45 minutes for the exam
  • 15 minutes for login
  • One optional 5 minute break before IR section
  • Now, seeing the situation, GMAC has extended the GMAT online appointments till February 2021. Plus it has also allowed a retest earlier. When the online exam was launched, students were allowed to take it only once. If they wanted to take a retest, that had to be done in the center exam. But earlier in September, they allowed to take one retest in online mode which is also convenient for the students. Basically, this was done so that students do not miss out on deadlines by the universities and could apply comfortably.

    The difference in GMAT online exam and test center based exam:-

    Key Features GMAT online exam Center based exam
    Structure 3 sections i.e. Quant, Verbal and IR. Order of sections is fixed. 4 sections i.e. Quant, verbal, AWA and IR. Order of sections could be chosen by the candidate.
    Time duration 2 hours 45 minutes + 15 minutes to check in 3 hours 8 minutes + 30 minutes to enter
    Cost 250$ 250$(could vary for different countries)
    Attempts One retest is permitted 5 attempts max in 12 month period
    Appointment availability Round the clock availability Available at all days
    Score validity 5 years 5 years
    Score sending Complimentary unlimited score sending to programs after you receive your score. Can choose 5 programs at no cost. Additional score reports available for fee.

    So, GMAC is making an effort to make students go for Online exam by offering them advantages which are not available with center based exam.

    CAT 2020 Pattern Changed Deadline Extended

    With the change in CAT 2020 pattern, there are many questions which are prevailing now.

    What is the change in the pattern of CAT 2020?

    Why changes have been done?

    What will be the change in the skillset which is needed?

    This blog will answer all the questions.

    With just 2 months remaining in CAT 2020 to happen, IIM Indore has announced major changes to take place in CAT exam. In a press release issued on Tuesday, institute quoted that the exam will be conducted in 3 slots rather than 2 and the duration of the exam has also been reduced to 2 hours from 3 hours. Other than this, the deadline for filling the CAT 2020 registration date has also been increased upto 23rd September 2020 till 5PM.

    An extra slot in CAT 2020 exam, duration reduced to 2 hours

    This change has been announced keeping in mind the COVID-19 pandemic so that all the social distancing norms can be followed. 3 slots instead of 2 will allow the proper distribution of children. Now, students will be given only 40 minutes per section instead of 60 minutes and also students will not be allowed to switch between the sections while attempting a particular section. So, a student has to complete a particular section before moving to another.

    Deadline for filling CAT 2020 form extended

    New deadline for filling the CAT forms has also been extended. Now, students can fill their forms till 23rd September 2020 5PM. Students will be able to edit the form after that also. They can change their test city preference, signature and photograph in the form. Last date for that is yet to be announced. It was done to facilitate students so that they could get more time to fill in the forms. This move is likely to help many.

    What will be the change in the skillset which is needed?

    Now, Many students are predicting that CAT 2020 will be easier as compared to previous ones because of time reduction and everything. But it will not be the case. As the time is reduced, it is expected to see a reduction in number of questions also which will basically make the CAT exam same as before but with a shorter time period. Students should expect the same difficulty level of CAT exam. We could see a significant change in the pattern also which will be released soon by IIM Indore. All these factors are taken in order to comply with the social distancing norms and keeping in mind the safety of the students. Its impact on difficulty level is not something which one should really expect.

    As the time is reduced, so it is equally important to be familiar with the time frame. Mostly students have habit of taking 1-2 breaks in 3 hour exam. Now, as the time is less, breaks will also reduce and that could impact efficiency. The main difference will be to see how the students approach the paper.

    Basically, the race has changed from marathon to a sprint. But the one thing that remains constant is that it is the last lap or the last meters of race which decides who the winner is. So, that is what every student has to keep in mind.  It will be great to see after the mock is released that whether it is going to benefit students or not. More changes, if any, will be announced after 20th September by IIM Indore.

    Now the revised dates for CAT 2020 are:-

    Events Dates
    CAT 2020 Registration starts 5 August 2020
    CAT 2020 Registration ends 231st March 2020
    Form correction deadline To be announced
    Mock test and official tutorial release 16th October 2020
    Admit card 231st March
    CAT 2020 exam 29th November

    Mocks for new pattern of CAT 2020

    The new pattern mocks will be available on CAT website by October 16th. IIM Indore has urged students to take a mock before going for the actual one so that the students could become familiar with the pattern. All the other changes which will be there in the pattern will be announced by September 20th. Students are hoping a cut in the number of questions also. CAT has increased the number of centers also in every state so that students have to travel less and thus abiding by the precautions which are necessary to be taken. For the exam, it will be interesting to see what are the health and safety norms which will be released for the students who will be coming for examinations.

    How to prepare for CAT in 3 months?

    Many students must be wondering on whether they can prepare for CAT in 3 months or not. With the CAT notification released now and it is somehow confirmed that the Cat will be held in November(which many were hoping for it to get delayed). So with approximately 3 months in hand, many are struggling with the strategy that they should follow in order to score good in CAT 2020.

    So, first of all to prepare for CAT 2020, what you need to do is first analyze the syllabus of CAT. See what all are the sections and what all are the topics that come in the CAT exam. You can refer to Full CAT 2020 Syllabus and so many other details here.

    Now, once you are cleared on the syllabus part, so now is the time to make strategy for every section.

    Edushastra provides crash course for CAT 2020 if you need us guiding you through the maze.

    Moving ahead means lots of study, lots of analyzing your performance, so move ahead if you are willing to do the hard work. Because at last, it is going to make your life easier and more successful.

    Now some common things which you have to do daily is :-

    1. Make a routine. Yes. Making a routine is very important. It will help you in covering the sections faster and with more focus. Divide the time between all the sections and stick on that. 
    2. Prioritize. It is very important to prioritize topics based on the weightage.
    3. Read daily in the morning. Newspapers are the best.
    4. Try dividing the time for the sections according to your preference. The one which you find less interesting, keep it for morning as you will be fresh and will be able to solve. The one you find most interesting, keep that for the last because that will prevent you to sleep.
    5. Concept, Practice and Application. Do not leave these 3 things for any day. Repeat it for 3 months
    6. Analyze every mock test you take. Analyze in which sections you are lacking and move accordingly.

    For the Time Management, consider on how many hours you need to cover up the things.

    1. Quant- 25 chapters + Practice ( 25*2 + 40= 90 hours)
    2. LR/DI:- Minimum 200 sets ( 30-40 hours)
    3. VARC :- VA-20 hours + RC-20 hours:- 40 hours, Total:- 150 hours

    Now , lets talk about how to prepare for particular sections.

    1. DI/LR:- For DI/LR, the most important thing which needs to be considered is practice. DI/LR basically will require a lot of practice because in DI/LR, its all about how you are solving the questions, how well you are rehearsed in solving the questions, in representing the data because at last, it is all about speed and accuracy which could be achieved by one thing, practice.
      • Solve 2-3 sets everyday. Do not skip this. For the next 3 months, you have to solve 2-3 sets everyday of DI/LR. It will help in developing the strategy for solving the questions correctly.
      • Work on representing the data. Focus on correctly representing the data in DI/LR. If you get the representation wrong, then whole set will go wrong. So, it is very important to correctly represent the data.
      • Solve 2-3 sets everyday. Try making your own strategy to solve the questions because that will help you in time management.
    2. For Quant:- Now Quant is that section which mostly hits the students hard. Because the syllabus is so vast and in 3 months, it becomes difficult to cover. But if prioritization is done , so everything is possible.
      The weightage is shown as below.

    Now, what we have to keep in mind is that we have to understand what will all the topics be when it comes to the particular sections. Now, we have to prioritize accordingly on how to move forward with the topics. Priorities according to weightage should be:-

    1. Arithmetic
    2. Geometry
    3. Algebra
    4. Word problems

    Now some things which you should take care about in Quant is:-

    1. Prioritize:- Do prioritize each and every section. As arithmetic and Geometry sections have more weightage as compared to others, try covering that first. The main thing is to get maximum questions correct and that could be done if the topics with more weightage are covered.
    2. Concepts:- It is very important to get concepts cleared in Quant. Basics should always be cleared and as the time is less, do not dwell in depth for the concepts.
    3. Strategy making:- It is good to have conceptual clarity, but only having conceptual clarity is not good. Make strategies on how to solve the particular sections.  For some topics, do not waste time on solving very difficult questions like number system because easy questions are asked and difficult ones are very rare so invest time in the areas which will increase your score.
    4. Practice:- It goes without saying that practicing the questions is of utmost importance. Do not skip practicing questions at any point of time. Make it a habit of solving the questions regularly and analyze the time taken in every question to solve. If any question takes more than 2 minutes, analyze and find a shorter way to do that.

    So, following all these methods, you can excel in Quant. Divide the number of hours accordingly. Do not invest more time in any conceptual part, if you feel some topic is taking more time, leave it for end. Take the less weightage sections to cover in the end. Cover the sections with more weightage in the starting so that you will gain some confidence over it. Attempt sectional mocks everyday and try finding your weaker points and in the meantime cover them.

    So, following all these methods, you will be able to score well in Quant in just 3months.

    3 – VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension):- For VARC, Reading comprehension is very important. Getting the passages right is what will improve your score in VARC section. The first thing which needs to be done in VARC is to practice a lot. Improve on your reading skills. Instead of moving on to newspapers or magazines, move directly to passages to improve. Try solving the passages and start building your speed.

    As you can see, Reading comprehension dominates the VARC section in verbal. So it is really important to excel in this. It is mandatory to solve passages every day for the next 3 months only then you will be able to excel in this.

    • Take note that reading fast is important, but reading and understanding at the same time is very important. If you have to give the passage a second go, then you will waste a lot of time. So read and understand at the same time.
    • Eliminating the options is very important. If you are able to eliminate 2-3 options, your half work is done. This you can develop only by practicing. 
    • Practice daily. Get the concepts cleared and then practice daily. Analyze each and every question. The main thing is eliminating options. Focus on that. 
    • The level of questions of verbal is increasing in CAT. So it is important that you move one step ahead. Only practice can make you score good in VARC. If you excel in VARC, then a good percentile is no big deal.


    Now, this is the part which will ensure your success to a great percentile in CAT. Do not, I repeat, do not skip solving mocks at any point of time. Solve mocks every week and after 1.5 months, everyday. Yes. It is really really important that you solve the mocks. Mocks is the key to get you to score a great percentile.

    • Analyze each and every mock. If you do not analyze your mocks, then you will never know which sections you need to improve on or which questions are taking more time to solve. It will give you clarity on how you are solving the questions. 
    • Note down the questions which you feel are taking more time. Find a shorter way to do that because time management is everything.
    • One thing which students do is that sometimes they solve a question and they are not confident in it like whether they used the right method to solve it or not, or sometimes luck also plays a factor. But in mocks, you should not leave them. You should always analyze that questions and be clear on how to solve the question particularly. 
    • If you feel some questions which are rarely asked in CAT exam are wasting a lot of time of you, skip them. Save them for later stages. It is important to understand your priorities at this stage and this means, no wasting time on rarely asked questions. The only motive should be to score a lot of questions correctly.
    • Make sure to solve mocks regularly. Your schedule should have time to solve the mocks and also to analyze each one of them
    • Try taking mocks from different sources instead of one. This will make you ready to tackle difficult questions from different sources.

    So, following these steps, you will be able to score great in CAT. It will require an extra effort for sure and you have to put your best foot down, but once you get a great percentile, you will be able to cherish that for the rest of your life. So the next 3 months can really change your life into something brilliant and it obviously will help you in the coming future. There will be many downfalls during your preparation but do not get demotivated. Always try to figure out how to solve the questions particularly.

    Will the format of CAT 2020 be changed? Will the CAT 2020 could be taken sitting at home just like GMAT? Will it get postponed?

    Well the answer is No for now. This year CAT 2020 is conducted by IIM Indore and according to sources, IIM Indore has issued a statement that there is minimal chance of change in anything for CAT 2020. Everything is going as per schedule. The necessary precautions will be taken for sure but change in any schedule will mostly not be there.

    Like many Competitive exams like NEET, JEE Mains and others, CAT was also expected to be delayed but now it seems that it will not be happening. For CAT, around 2.5-3 lac students appear for the exam and it is very difficult to ensure social distancing and follow safety norms when you are dealing with such a large number of students. 

    Since 2009, CAT is a computer-based exam. There is steady rise in number of CAT exam takers during last three years. There were 199,632 test takers in CAT 2017 which increased to 209,405 in CAT 2018 and to 209,926 test takers in CAT 2019. This year, TCS is conducting CAT 2020 at 450+ testing venues in more than 150 cities.

    Now, till now the details are as follows/;-

    1. CAT 2020 website will go Live in August 2020.
    2. Safety of students and test conveners will be of utmost priority.
    3. Safety of students and test conveners will be of utmost priority.

    From 2016, TCS has partnered to conduct CAT 2020 exam in all the states and in 2020, they are planning to increase the test centers to avoid mobility of students from one state to another and to assure enough space keeping in mind the social distancing norms and safety protocols. 

    Now, Most of the people are skeptical that CAT 2020 will be postponed because:-

    1- Delay in the admission process and Academic Sessions:-

    The results of all the IIM’s were delayed and their admission process was running till june also. Many younger IIMs are still in process of completing their admissions. For instance, IIM Jammu, IIM Sirmaur, IIM Kashipur, IIM Nagpur, IIM Udaipur, IIM Bodhgaya have prepared waitlists of selected candidates and sending admission offers to them.

    Another reason cited for possible delay in CAT 2020 is the delay in starting new academic session. The academic session in IIMs used to start by mid-June but this year IIMs will only start academic session 2020-21 in August. UGC and AICTE have also revised their academic calendar and have directed the MBA/PGDM colleges to commence session in August. Besides, the last date to offer admission has also been extended to August 2020

    2 – COVID-19 to peak in November in India:-

    According to amny experts, COVID-19 will come to a peak in November and that is the main reason why experts are thinking that taking in mind the safety of students, the CAT 2020 could be delayed.

    The dates for top entrance exams like Joint Entrance Examination (JEE-Main) 2020 and National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) UG-2020 have already been announced. The exams are scheduled in September 2020. Besides, University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued guidelines on July 6, 2020 to all universities and colleges to conduct their term and final exams latest by September 2020.

    No of candidates taking JEE-Main 2020 are 11.19 lakhs and for NEET 2020 the total candidates are 16.84 lakhs. IIM-CAT 2020 is expected to have around 2.5 lakh candidates of all categories. Despite being the largest MBA entrance exam, CAT is a smaller exam than JEE and NEET. If these big exams can be conducted without difficulty, CAT 2020 may also be conducted as per the schedule. 

    Basically, many experts say that if they consider this situation, so it TCS could make a huge change in the CAT 2020 pattern  just like GRE/GMAT. It could be a remotely procured exam which students can give sitting at home just like GMAT. But all these things are now not considered and IIM Indore and TCS are determined to conduct CAT 2020 on time only. But as the situation gets changed, it is possible to see some changes in that. 

    Indian Institutes of Management List

    IIM Name Location Sate/UT Website
    Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Gujrat http://www.iima.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Bangalore Karnataka https://www.iimb.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Kolkata West Bengal https://www.iimcal.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Kozhikode Kerala https://www.iimk.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Lucknow Uttar Pradesh http://www.iiml.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh https://www.iimidr.ac.in/iimi
    Indian Institute of Management Ranchi Ranchi Jharkhand http://www.iimranchi.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Raipur Raipur Chhattisgarh http://www.iimraipur.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Rohtak Rohtak Haryana https://www.iimrohtak.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Shillong Shillong Meghalaya https://www.iimshillong.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu https://www.iimtrichy.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Kashipur Kashipur Uttarakhand http://www.iimkashipur.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Udaipur Udaipur Rajasthan https://www.iimu.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Amritsar Amritsar Punjab http://iimamritsar.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya Bodh Gaya Bihar http://www.iimbg.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Jammu Jammu Jammu and Kashmir http://www.iimj.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Nagpur Nagpur Maharashtra https://www.iimnagpur.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Sambalpur Sambalpur Odisha http://www.iimsambalpur.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur Sirmaur district Himachal Pradesh http://www.iimsirmaur.ac.in/
    Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh https://www.iimv.ac.in/

    Some important points about the GMAT exam

    • GMAT is a Computer Adaptive Test. This means that the testing software adapts to your performance as you progress through the test. Therefore, your performance on each question will determine the difficulty level of the next few questions in the exam. Consequently, the GMAT score is calculated on your ability level i.e. on the basis of the difficulty level of questions that you solve correctly and not just the number of questions that you get right.
    • Only Verbal and Quant sections are computer-adaptive. IR and AWA are not adaptive in nature
    • GMAT does not allow you to go back to questions you’ve already answered. It only shows one question at a time and does not allow you to see the next question until you’ve answered the current one.

    GMAT Exam structure

    Prior to July 11, 2017, all test-takers had to take the test in that exact order as defined by GMAC. However, this is no longer the case.

    You can choose the order in which you want to take the sections, just before your exam begins.

    • Original Order – Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, <Break 1>, Quantitative, <Break 2>, Verbal
    • Verbal, <Break 1>, Quantitative, <Break 2>, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment
    • Quantitative, <Break 1>, Verbal, <Break 2>, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment

    Note:- Break between the sections is optional and duration of one break is 8 minutes.

    As per GMAC, “There is no “correct” or “recommended” section order to select. This choice simply gives you more control and flexibility.”

    Top 10 universities which accepts GMAT score are:-

    Verbal Ability and AWA

    Ranking School Location Average GMAT Score
    1 Stanford Graduate School of Business US 732
    2 Harvard Business School US 730
    3 INSEAD France 709
    4 University of Pennsylvania: Wharton US 732
    5 CEIBS China 685
    6 London Business School UK 708
    7 University of Chicago: Booth US 731
    8 MIT: Sloan US 728
    9 Columbia Business School US 732
    10 UC Berkeley: Haas US 726

    Source: http://rankings.ft.com/businessschoolrankings/global-mba-ranking-2019

    Detailed Syllabus for GMAT exam 2020

    If you are looking to take the GMAT, the first thing you need to know is the topics you’ll be tested on the GMAT. GMAT Syllabus comprises of topics that are grouped in 4 sections i.e. Verbal, Quant, AWA (analytical writing assessment) and IR (Integrated Reasoning). AWA measures how to analyze an argument in written form, IR measures the skills used to analyze and synthesize information, Quant measures Data sufficiency and Problem solving, Verbal measures Reading comprehension (RC), Critical reasoning (CR), and Sentence correction (SC) skills.

    Verbal Ability and AWA

    S.NO. Section Topic
    1 Sentence Correction SC Intro and Subject Verb Agreemenent
    2 Sentence Correction Modifier
    3 Sentence Correction Tense
    4 Sentence Correction Pronoun
    5 Sentence Correction Parallelism & Comparison
    6 Sentence Correction Idioms
    7 Critical Reasoning CR Intro & Assumption
    8 Critical Reasoning Strengthen & Weaken
    9 Critical Reasoning Flaw & Evaluate
    10 Critical Reasoning Interface & Paradox
    11 Critical Reasoning Bold Face
    12 Reading Comprehension RC Warm Up
    13 Reading Comprehension RC Main
    14 Reading Comprehension RC Final
    15 Analytical Writing Assessment Argument Writing

    Quantitative Ability and Integrated Reasoning:-

    GMAT QA & IR
    S.NO. Section Topic
    1 Arithmetic Number Tree, Factors & Miultiples HCF & LCM
    2 Arithmetic Divisibilty & Reminders, Factorils Cyclicity
    3 Arithmetic Sequence & Progression
    4 Arithmetic Statics
    5 Arithmetic Set Theory & Venn Diagrams
    6 Algebra Linear Equations
    7 Algebra Exponents & Roots
    8 Algebra Quadratic & PolynomialEqauations
    9 Algebra Functions & Ineqaulities
    10 Geometry Angles, Line & Triangle
    11 Geometry Quadrilaterals & Polygons
    12 Geometry Circles
    13 Geometry Mensuration
    14 Geometry Cordinate Geometry
    15 Word Problems Ratio & Proportaion
    16 Word Problems Averages, Mistures & Alligators
    17 Word Problems Percentages
    18 Word Problems Profil, Loss & Discount
    19 Word Problems Simple & Compound Interest
    20 Word Problems Time, Speed & Distance
    21 Word Problems Time & Work
    22 Word Problems Permutation & Combination
    23 Word Problems Probability
    24 Integrated Reasoning Graphics Interpretation
    25 Integrated Reasoning Table Analysis
    26 Integrated Reasoning Two Part Analysis
    27 Integrated Reasoning Multi Source Reasoning

    GMAT Online Exam Structure

    GMAT EXAM 2020

    GMAT score is accepted by more than 2100 universities globally. It has become one of the major examinations in India for students aspiring to study in Top B-Schools across the world. Apart from CAT, GMAT is very much preferred by students because GMAT opens up a lot of options for students worldwide and mostly the experienced latter tends to give GMAT because they find so much scope after that and a lot to learn in Top Business Schools.

    GMAT EXAM Structure

    GMAT consists of 4 Parts i.e. Verbal, Quant, AWA (analytical writing assessment) and IR (Integrated reasoning).

    Now every part of a GMAT exam is built to test something of a candidate like:-

    • AWA measures how to analyze an argument in written form
    • IR measures the skills used to analyze and synthesize information
    • Quant measures Data sufficiency and Problem solving
    • Verbal measures Reading comprehension (RC), Critical reasoning (CR), and Sentence correction (SC) skills.


    Marks in a GMAT exam are calculated based on various criteria like the number of questions you get right, difficulty level of question etc.

    Let us understand this better with this table.

    Total Score
    • 200–800
    • Reported in 10-point increments
    Based on:
    Math and Verbal section results

    For particular sections:-

    Quantitative Score


    • 0–60
    • Reported in 1-point increments

    Based on:
    • the number of questions you get right
    • levels of difficulty for questions you get right
    • the number of questions you answer
    Quantitative Score


    • 0–60
    • Reported in 1-point increments

    Based on:
    • the number of questions you get right
    • levels of difficulty for questions you get right
    • the number of questions you answer
    Verbal Score


    • 0–60
    • Reported in 1-point increments

    Based on:
    • the number of questions you get right
    • levels of difficulty for questions you get right
    • the number of questions you answer
    Integrated Reasoning
    • 1–8
    • Reported in 1-point increments
    Based on:
    number of questions answered correctly
    Analytical Writing Assessment
    • 0–6
    • Reported in half-point increments
    Average of
    scores assigned by two readers

    GMAT EXAM Pattern 2020:-

    Topic No. of Questions Question Types Duration
    AWA(Analysis of Argument) One topic Analysis of Argument 30 Minutes
    IR(Integrated Reasoning) 12 topic Multi-Source Reasoning Graphics
    Interpretation Two-Two Part Analysis
    Table Analysis
    30 Minutes
    Quant 31 topic Data Sufficiency Problem Solving 62 Minutes
    Verbal 36 topic Reading Comprehension Critical
    Reasoning Sentence Correction
    65 Minutes