Access and Understand GMAT Exam Scores

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Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
Access and Understand GMAT Exam Scores

Measuring and reporting on a comprehensive set of skills required for candidates to succeed in your program.

The GMAT™ exam is the proven leader in assessing the academic skills needed to succeed in graduate management education and beyond.

The GMAT exam is a computer-based assessment that measures your verbal, mathematical, integrated reasoning, and analytical writing skills—skills that candidates have developed and honed over the years through education and work. Use the results of the GMAT exam as part of your admissions decisions to accurately predict who will succeed in your program, and who might be at risk for academic difficulty. The exam contains four sections. Candidate scores and percentile rankings are reported for each one:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA, 0-6): Measures reasoning and construction of a written analysis.
  • Integrated Reasoning (IR, 1-8): Measures the ability to analyze and synthesize data from multiple sources and in different formats to solve complex problems.
  • Quantitative (6-51): Measures the ability to reason quantitatively and discern how much data are needed to solve problems.
  • Verbal (6-51): Measures the ability to analyze texts, draw inferences, and convey meaning effectively in English.

The GMAT Total score (200-800) is based on performance on the Quantitative and Verbal sections.

Availability of Scores

An official GMAT Score Report shows each of these scores and the associated percentile ranking. The ranking indicates the percentage of exam scores below this score, based on the scores of the entire GMAT testing population for the most recent three-year period. Although the percentile rank may change slightly from year to year, the scaled numerical score never changes. The score report includes all of a test taker’s GMAT exam results from the past five years, the most recent AWA essay response, and helpful background information for each candidate, such as country of citizenship and GPA. Total GMAT scores range from 200 to 800, and two-thirds of test takers score between 400 and 600.

Official GMAT score reports are available to the test taker and his or her designated score-report recipients (schools) approximately three weeks after the test date. When test takers select your program, their scores will be sent automatically to the chosen school(s) and can be uploaded to the candidate’s database. Once you become a score-report recipient, you can differentiate your program by advertising your status in your admissions materials, on your website, and through direct contact with select prospects. When approved and the test taker is assigned a GMAT program code, the school will be added to a database that test takers use to select their score-report recipients.

Test takers may print an unofficial score report after they finish the exam, but this does not include the AWA score and should not be accepted by schools instead of an Official Score Report. Scores will have a consistent look and structure, whether the test was taken in New York City or Bangladesh.

Accessing scores is easy: it’s all online, available when needed, regardless of time zone. Test takers have the flexibility to download score report data and then import the data into your own database.