About the GMAT Exam

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Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
About the GMAT Exam

The GMAT exam allows the ability to find and compare candidates who will succeed in your program.

Created by business schools for business schools, the GMAT™ exam is the most trusted, proven and well-understood predictor of academic success.

The exam provides admissions officers with access to a pipeline of committed candidates and allows them to compare candidates so they can build a diverse and successful class.

Our Expertise Is Unmatched—Backed by Decades of Peer-Reviewed Research

The GMAT exam, used by more than 2,400 institutions and universities around the world, is backed by more than 60 years of testing expertise and decades of peer-reviewed research including hundreds of validity studies in the last 10 years alone. Because the GMAT exam was developed in intimate collaboration with the faculty of graduate management programs, you can rest assured that our experience and expertise will deliver results for you.

The GMAT Exam Is Relevant—For You, Your Candidates, and Their Futures

The GMAT exam is designed to test skills that are highly important to business and management programs. It assesses analytical writing and problem-solving abilities, along with the data sufficiency, logic, and critical reasoning skills that are vital to real-world business and management success. In June 2012, the GMAT exam introduced Integrated Reasoning, a new section designed to measure a test taker’s ability to evaluate information presented in new formats and from multiple sources—skills necessary for management students to succeed in a technologically advanced and data-rich world.

The GMAT Exam Is Consistent—Over Time and Across the Globe

No matter where or when the GMAT exam is administered, it tests the same skills with the same level of accuracy. Even when candidates retake the test, their scores normally do not vary significantly. Test questions are developed by international experts and include multicultural examples to minimize English-speaking or US-centric bias. In fact, studies show that the GMAT exam predicts equally well for all nationalities.

The GMAT Exam Is Precise—For Accurate Student-to-Program Matches

The GMAT exam is computer adaptive, which means it selects each question for the test taker based on his or her ability level. This makes the GMAT Total score an extremely precise measure of an individual’s ability. It’s far more efficient than a paper test, on which everyone answers the same questions.

The GMAT Exam Is Secure—Using State-of-the-Art Technology

Advanced identification procedures and standardized test administration conditions set the stage for the high level of security the GMAT exam is known for. That security continues with exam questions that cannot be easily memorized or shared, and a computer adaptive format that makes it extremely unlikely that any two candidates will see precisely the same questions.

The GMAT Exam Is Reliable and Available Around the World

The GMAT exam is used by more than 7,700 programs offered by more than 2,400 universities and institutions in 114 countries with testing in over 600 test centers around the world.

To maximize the availability to candidates around the world, the GMAT™ exam can be taken at test centers or online. Compare how both exam delivery methods would suit your candidates’ needs.