Free/Rs.11 Live Hybrid Course

EduShastra Education
Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Free/Re.1 Live Hybrid Class
1 Free Class/Demo Class


Note: After Successful payment, please share details to with your Name, Email ID, Contact number & Course details.

Secured Checkout

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Your account information is end to end encrypted and secure.

QR Code Recommended

UPI Payment

UPI: edushastra@yesbank

Bank Transfer

EduShastra Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Ac. No. 916020041479326

Axis Bank
IFSC: UTIB0000278

Branch Deails
SN G03 to G06, 1st Floor,
Hl Arcade, Plot No 14,
Dwarka, Sector 5
New Delhi – 110075

PayU Money/Credit Card

EduShastra Education
Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Free/Rs.11 Live Hybrid Class
500+ Hours Course Cycle


Note: After Successful payment, please share details to with your Name, Email ID, Contact number & Course details.

Secured Checkout

Choose Your payment method

Your account information is end to end encrypted and secure.

QR Code Recommended

UPI Payment

UPI: edushastra@yesbank

Bank Transfer

EduShastra Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Ac. No. 916020041479326

Axis Bank
IFSC: UTIB0000278

Branch Deails
SN G03 to G06, 1st Floor,
Hl Arcade, Plot No 14,
Dwarka, Sector 5
New Delhi – 110075

PayU Money/Credit Card

EduShastra Education
Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

CAT Elite Live Online Crash Course
500+ Hours Course Cycle


Note: After Successful payment, please share details to with your Name, Email ID, Contact number & Course details.

Secured Checkout

Choose Your payment method

Your account information is end to end encrypted and secure.

QR Code Recommended

UPI Payment

UPI: edushastra@yesbank

Bank Transfer

EduShastra Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Ac. No. 916020041479326

Axis Bank
IFSC: UTIB0000278

Branch Deails
SN G03 to G06, 1st Floor,
Hl Arcade, Plot No 14,
Dwarka, Sector 5
New Delhi – 110075

PayU Money/Credit Card